pitched battles

美 [pɪtʃt ˈbætlz]英 [pɪtʃt ˈbætlz]
  • n.(军事上的)对阵战;群殴;聚众打斗
  • pitched battle的复数
pitched battlespitched battles

pitched battles


  • 1
    N-COUNT (大批人员参与的)激战,恶战
    A pitched battle is a very fierce and violent fight involving a large number of people.

    Pitched battles were fought with the police.


  1. Pitched battles were fought with the police .


  2. In the US , that shift followed decades of pitched battles over equality and women 's rights .


  3. On the plaza that was the scene of pitched battles on May second , a priest led a small service Sunday .


  4. Of all pitched battles , Waterloo is the one which has the smallest front for such a number of combatants .


  5. He was hurt several days ago in Qusair near Syria 's border with northern Lebanon , where pitched battles have raged for days .


  6. Worse , at the height of the violence , they called for more protesters to join the pitched battles instead of appealing for calm .


  7. Even Thailand , for all its tourist-scaring pitched battles , will grow by nearly 5 per cent in 2010 , after contracting 2.3 per cent last year .


  8. Nearly 70 years after the armies of Britain and Germany fought pitched battles across North Africa , landmines from World War II remain buried beneath the sands .


  9. It was Libyan fighters , often outgunned and outnumbered , who fought pitched battles , town-by-town , block-by-block .


  10. One result has been a generation of women and girls who believe they belong among China 's power elite . In the US , that shift followed decades of pitched battles over equality and women 's rights .
